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energielenker certified

Certified charging stations for a uniform standard

In our project environments, we work with many different manufacturers and models of charging systems for e-mobility. It is not always possible to network the charging infrastructure with supplementary systems, such as dynamic load management and a photovoltaic system, or to integrate operational services. This is, in part, due to different communication protocols employed in the charging technology. Even standard protocols such as Modbus TCP/RTU, OCPP, and EEBUS are implemented differently depending on the manufacturer.

Our approach for sustainable charging infrastructures

As a company, we pursue a manufacturer-independent, forward-looking approach. Considering the increasing number of existing charging stations to be retrofitted with dynamic load management we want to give our customers the opportunity to choose from a wide range of manufacturers and models.
This also applies to charging stations to be managed by us, including all operational services. After all, charging technology must, if anything else, be sustainable for the future and amenable to technical progress. We are convinced that the charging infrastructure installed today must also meet the requirements of the future.

This requires a uniform standard, and this is what we provide with energielenker certified. We are in direct contact with the various manufacturers and perform an on-site test of the charging stations available on the market. You can find all currently certified charging stations in the list below. If your desired charging station is not listed, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you are a manufacturer and would like to be listed in the energielenker certified overview, we would also be pleased to hear from you.