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Energy efficiency funding program

Increased energy efficiency and CO2 savings

As part of the Climate Action Plan 2030 of the German government, the federal funding program “Energy Efficiency in Agriculture and Horticulture” (Energieeffizienz für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau) of the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) aims to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in the agricultural sector.
The program is administered on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The Energy and Climate Fund (EKF) created by the German government is providing around €156 million for this purpose until December 31, 2023.

What is eligible for funding?

The program covers two areas.
Funding is provided, on the one hand, for consultation to determine the CO2 savings potential of individual farms and for measures to exchange information. On the other, specific investment measures that yield measurable CO2 savings are also eligible for funding. It should be noted that only consultation carried out by an expert energy consultant approved by the BLE are eligible. Naturally, energielenker employees are included the BLE’s register of expertsConsultation by an expert is eligible for funding of 80%.

Darstellung des Förderprogramms für mehr Energieeffizienz und CO2-Einsparungen in der Landwirtschaft.

Funding for individual measures

Funding is also available for individual measures to replace, retrofit, or convert individual system components that exhibit high technical efficiency. No prior consultation with an expert is required for this. The individual measures eligible for funding at a maximum of 30% include:

  • Electric motors and drives
  • Pumps
  • Fans
  • Compressors
  • Energy screens
  • Permanently installed multiple coverings for greenhouses
  • Precoolers in milk plants
  • Automatic tire pressure control systems

Funding for investment measures

Modernization and construction of new energy-efficient systems:

  • Measures for heat supply, cooling, and ventilation systems
  • Conversions of processes and procedures to energy-efficient technologies
  • Optimization of measurement, control, and regulation technology including energy management software, measures to avoid energy losses

Self-generation of regenerative energy and waste heat utilization for the farm’s own requirements:

  • Photovoltaic systems
  • Heat pumps
  • Geothermal energy
  • Measures for waste and district heat utilization
  • Energy storage

Our services

Our certified energy consultants will provide you with a qualified and customized CO2 savings concept (funding requirement). As a consulting and planning company, energielenker will also support you in the planning and implementation of all measures required for service phases 1–9. Our team consists of energy and climate protection experts as well as architects and building services planners and is there to aid you on your path towards a climate-friendly and efficient agricultural operation.

  • Energy efficiency consulting with CO2 savings concept
  • Funding management
  • Planning and implementation
  • Service phases 1–9
Förderung für PV-Anlagen.