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Everything you need to know about GHG quotas
Earn money with your own electric car
As an electric car driver, you are actively contributing to climate protection. This means that you have acquired GHG quotas. You can market these GHG quotas to companies subject to quota obligations, thereby securing an annual premium for electric vehicles and electricity from your charging stations. energielenker will handle the marketing of your GHG quota for you – free of charge and in just a few minutes.

What is the GHG quota?
The greenhouse gas reduction quota is a political tool that obliges those who market fossil fuels (e.g. mineral oil companies) to reduce carbon emissions.
For this purpose, the German government has set a percentage by which mineral oil companies must reduce the carbon emissions of the fossil fuels they place on the market.
This is done either by mixing biogenic fuels or by purchasing GHG quotas from third parties.
These GHG quotas can be generated by electric vehicles as a lump sum as well as via the amount of charging current at charging points.
Because electric vehicles emit significantly less CO2 than vehicles powered by fossil fuels and combustion engines, they help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in the transport sector.
This means that both operators of semi-public charging stations and owners of fully electric vehicles are entitled to GHG quotas.
Who can sell the GHG quota?
Both private individuals with fully electric vehicles and commercial operators of small fleets and semi-public charging stations are entitled to GHG quota trading.
Private customers and small fleets (of up to 10 vehicles)
Market your GHG quotas with us. You will receive a fixed premium per vehicle, on request annually. Not only electric cars, but also electric scooters, motorcycles, vans, and buses are eligible. Simply register and upload your vehicle registration.
Our services
GHG premium in two minutes
Due to the high costs for processing as well as the small quantities involved, selling GHG quotas verified by the German Environment Agency is difficult for individuals. Together with our partner, we at energielenker bundle customers’ GHG quotas and offers them for sale as a large package to mineral oil companies. For you, we will also handle the following:
- Registration with the German Environment Agency
- Handling of formalities and compliance with regulations
- Bundled sale of the GHG quotas received to mineral oil companies
- Payment of the premium