Working together to drive the transformation forward

Industry and commerce are facing the challenge of keeping rising energy costs and the associated higher production costs in check. On top of that, customers and final users alike frequently demand a green product. There are many ways to achieve this. Possible measures range from an overall assessment of energy flows and technical systems to the installation of a power plant controller to the implementation of energy management software. We will help you through the energy transition and ensure the compliance of your company or enterprise with ESG criteria.

Our solutions for industrial and commercial customers

Funding for transformation concepts in industry.


Förderung nutzen und mit einer langfristig angelegten Strategie Energiekosten senken und CO2-Bilanz verbessern.

Building services for industrial buildings and production halls.

Building services

Concept, systems engineering planning, permit management, and much more.

Photovoltaic projects for industry and commerce.


Exploit the potential of roof surfaces and generate affordable in-house electricity.

Electromobility in industry.


Planning, set-up, and operation of charging infrastructures for sustainable mobility.

Dynamic load management for charging infrastructures of industrial enterprises.

Dynamic load management

Manufacturer-independent and with no running costs, our cost-optimized system regulates charging infrastructures while benefiting the grid.

LoRaWAN for industrial enterprises.


Measure temperature, CO2 levels, humidity, etc. and receive automated evaluations.

Energy data acquisition software for industry and commerce.

Energy data acquisition

Make energy flows visible with the energy monitor and identify potential savings.

Certified power plant controller for industrial companies.

Power plant controllers

Certified power plant controllers in accordance with VDE-AR-N 4110 and VDE-AR-N 4120 for all types of systems.

Contracting models for industrial enterprises.


Contracting models for an optimum security of supply.

Contracting models for industrial enterprises.

Laden am Arbeitsplatz

Individuelle Ladelösungen für Unternehmen.

Contracting models for industrial enterprises.

Betriebliches Mobilitätsmanagement

Nachhaltige Mobilität in der Praxis.

Contracting models for industrial enterprises.

Änderung der VDE-AR-Normen

Für einen schnelleren Ausbau erneuerbarer Energie.

All advantages at a glance

How companies and industrial enterprises can benefit

Contribute to the energy transition
Comply with ESG criteria and benefit in the long term from competitive advantages and a high level of attractiveness for skilled workers.

Exploit the potential of digitalization
The use of LoRaWAN and intelligent systems can simplify your work processes and save on human resources.

Lower energy costs
Lower your energy and production costs through the use of renewable energies and smart technologies.